Zeljka Grgic
Destination: Maringá,
Paraná, BRAZIL - 2 months (2009)
Internship in Architecture and Civil Engineering
20 years old“I always
wanted to visit Brazil, to see if the story about people dancing in the street
is true! To see country that samba is coming from, to meet carnival people. I
was in Brazil for a short time, but a nice period to learn and experience
enough. I visited south and north and saw differences between them. For the
whole first month I was living and working in Maringa, south Brazilian town in a
Parana state.
I was working in ArqMais Planejamento, Projetos e Obras LTDA, architectural
office. It was great professional experience. I was excited and surprised
whenever I found some difference between making project in my country and in
Brazil. Differences that climate and way of life are causing. The most
surprising thing was a place for barbecue in every house project. But very soon
I realized why â?¦ With Brazilian people I had barbecued every weekend. They
spend a lot of time outside the house, enjoying the sun, eating meat, dancing
and having fun. The other thing that I liked a lot was dancing all the time.
In Brazil, everybody is dancing- older, younger, boys and girls, grandmothers
and fathers. When the music starts, they just grab the first person next to
them, and dance in couples. Everybody dances, and knows to dance very well. It
is great country to get old... to get old dancing. I was constantly surrounded
by happy, excited and friendly people. Everybody wanted to talk with me, to help
me. I found the people of Brazil to be so kind, so patient and joyful to be
around me. My overall experience was life changing. I am still the same, but I
look at the things in a different way. I am more relaxed, confident, and more
friendly and patient with people... I am trying to be and act like Brazilian.
The only problem that I had was the fact that I was the only foreign student in
Maringa, during my trainee period. For the first few days, until I met some
Brazilian friends that speak English, I was little bit lonely. And, my trips, to
Brasilia and Rio I had to organize alone. It was difficult, but now when all
ended, I realized - it was advantage. I spent time only with Brazilian people,
doing things that Brazilians are doing. I actually lived real Brazilian life. I,
probably, learned more about Brazilian culture and habits, than other foreign
students that hang with each other. Regarding the trips, I saw Brasilia, Foz de
Iguaçu and Rio. Brasilia was great architectural experience, city, totally
different, than any other. Foz de Iguaçu is a miracle of nature. I was looking
its waterfalls with my mouth wide open. And Rio... Rio was something special.
This city is so rich and alive that you even don't want to sleep. And sometimes
you really don't. And wherever I went, I had such luck to meet good people that
offered me place to stay and a lot of their time. Maybe it was luck, or it was
just Brazil. I got so much love from Brazil. I will try to spread that love
further.” |