Seville is a great place to live or visit due to its inhabitants, infrastructures and Mediterranean weather not to soft winters and hot summers.
We offer work experience programs, Spanish classes at all levels and also socio-cultural activities for the participants to get the most of their experience. Many of our European participants get internships funding from programs such as Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, Comenius & lingua, youth for Europe and tempus III or other European or private funds, some of our participants rather pay in full for their experience.

Candidate's Profile

This program is focused to help improve the skills of job seekers, students, apprentices, young professionals and new graduates. The age range goes from 18 and above. 
Objectives of the Internship Program
This program has been developed to help participants with an alternative training and background so they can be better candidates for future jobs. We develop all, the intensive language programs and the work placement in many of our companies inside our broad database. The duration range of the program may go from 3 months to a year. Depending on how long the participant will live in Seville, we organize different cultural programs and visits so he/she will get the most of this city, its business and inhabitants.
Structure of the Program
The SEVILLA Internship Program consists of 2 phases:
1st: minimum 2 weeks of Intensive Spanish language (Seville).
2nd: the internship placement, lasting a minimum of 3 months (Seville).
I Part - Course
The program is designed to help improve your effectiveness as a Spanish Speaker, so you can be more efficient in your internship post. The better you speak the language, the more you will get out of your Internship Experience. Arrangements can be made to take extra courses before you start your Internship.

Location: Seville

II Part: The Internship Period

Professional practice internships are offered in private sector companies, governmental organizations, NGO's, schools, colleges, and universities. The work period will be at least 3 months in duration. Placement is made and progress is monitored through our program office in Seville. The internship portion of the program may not combine different companies or different cities.

Placement Fee:  $875 USD

Location: Seville

Spanish Preparation/Refresher Course
The most important factor is language skills. The more limited the student's language abilities, the more flexible s/he will have to be in terms of placements.
All participants will attend a Spanish intensive course for at least 40 hours in over 2 weeks in order to improve their communications skills, so they can be more effective functioning in a Spanish work environment. All courses are taught by qualified and experienced Spanish as second language teachers that already understand the necessities for our participant and teacher adequate courses material for their needs.
Company Assignment

 We try very hard to match the students' educational background, professional experience, and professional plans, to the internship placement. This helps us ensure appropriate placement. 

We require a minimum of three-month stay in order to make the appropriate arrangements with our cooperative companies. The participants will work the same hours and use the same timetables as their co-workers, normally 7 hours per day schedule. 

Depending on the internship focus, the requirements and work pattern of the chosen company, the work hours may be vary. The participants will not be paid by the company therefore they will sign an agreement (, not a contract) that will establish their rights and duties. There will have regular meeting with both the participant and the companies to check the progress of the program.

Work placements can be offered in many areas of Seville, and its surroundings.

Specialized training programs are provided in several companies in Seville. Work placement are provided with companies in the following sectors:
Legal Services, Wood Products, Transport, Logistics, Telecommunications, Multimedia, Motor Vehicles, Automobile Sales, Metal Products, Metallurgy, Media, Communication, Mechanical Engineering, Machinery, Installation, Maintenance, Repair, Information Technology, Computers, Software, Graphic Industry, Publishing, Printing, Environment, Entrepreneurship, Electrical Engineering, Automation, Crafts and Design, Construction, Building, Marketing, Biology, Hotel & Tourism, Theater, Handicraft Restoration, Social Work… (Other sectors available also)


Services Include
  • Spanish Course (minimum 2 weeks)
  • Requesting and receiving background information on all internship candidates providing guidelines for the preparation of the professional résumé in Spanish, interviewing each candidate, and drawing up a list of possible internship placements;
  • Conferring with the candidates via e-mail or telephone to confirm area of interest and counsel on professional experience options; 
  • Approaching the sponsoring institutions and achieving placements;
  • Maintaining contact with both the candidates and the sponsoring organizations to ensure that the internships run smoothly;
  • Intervening to resolve any difficulties or misunderstandings between the clients and the corporate sponsors, to assure mutual satisfaction.
APPLICATION: required documents
  • Résumé either in Spanish or English, depending on the student's stronger language. (Example Provided)
  • Short essay (1-2 pages): the student has to focus on the kind of experience he/she wants to have, what he/she wants to learn, what kind of internship the student prefers, and why.
  • The student has to send the documents by e-mail to:
  • Deposit of $250 USD
  • Send documents at least 2-3 months before arrival date
We suggest that the participant provide their own student insurance (medical/civil liability), because usually it is easier to get it in the country of origin nevertheless, we can provide participants with an insurance policy that covers civil liabilities. Insurance coverage for each individual is compulsory.



Within the broad range of educational opportunities at home and abroad work internships, provide one of the best ways to learn about the job you hope to have. An internship will acquaint you, in a practical way, with the career options in your field of study and offer first-hand opportunities to test your knowledge and examine your career plans.


The traditional view of business education for both students and professional is under the microscope as Universities and companies world-wide look for the most effective ways to train people to work in today's global markets. The rational Higher Education program alone cannot fully prepare you fro what you will face on-the-job. International business skills and second language competency are now a necessity.


Whatever your area of study might be, through the NIK|LAS organization you may have the opportunity to gain real-life experience abroad. You will experience for yourself the very different Spanish business protocols, learn to do business in a completely different culture, and gain fluency in both formal Spanish/Castellan as well as local and profession-specific jargon. These factors which may well mean the difference between business success and failure.


Objectives of the Internship Program

The principle objectives of the combined language and internship program are twofold. (1) To promote acquisition of high-level Spanish language skills and (2) to provide candidates with professional working experience in a full immersion Spanish-speaking environment. Another feature of our program is highly important: to provide students the most realistic experience possible. All aspects of the program are real-life. Entrance requirements are high and each step is competitive with high-levels of performance expected.


Structure of the Program

The dQ Internship Program consists of 3 phases:
1st: minimum 6 weeks of Intensive Spanish language (in Cadiz*, Seville, Salamanca, Madrid or Barcelona).
2nd: the Professional Orientation course (in Cadiz*, Madrid, or Barcelona).
3rd: the internship placement, lasting 3 months (in Cadiz*, Madrid, Seville or Barcelona).


I Part - Course

The length of the Spanish-language portion will depend on your starting point and how quickly you can acquire the needed fluency. Written skills test and additional ones will be used to monitor your progress administered to judge readiness for the work period. In order to qualify for the internship placement you must have a high intermediate level of fluency. The minimum length for the Spanish course is 6 week.

Location: Cadiz*, Seville, Salamanca, Madrid, and Barcelona.


II Part: Professional Orientation Course

The professional orientation portion takes places in Madrid or Barcelona to facilitate placement interviews. It is a 2-weeek course aimed at learning about the Spanish business world. Having a working knowledge of business argot is an important step towards success in the interview and work phases: This is why both the language study and the professional orientation courses are required before work placement.


You can choose among the following dates in Madrid and Barcelona: 2 weeks Professional orientation course (2 hours/day, 2 weeks)

  • Madrid starting dates 2016: Jan 20, Feb 10, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 26, Jun 23; Aug 4, Sep 22, Oct 20, Nov 10.

  • Barcelona starting dates 2016: Jan 27, Feb 10 & 24, Apr 21, May 12, Jun 16, Jul 7 & 21, Aug 11, Aug 25, Sep 15 & 29, Oct 27, Nov 17.

Location: Cadiz*, Barcelona, Madrid


III Part: The Internship Period

Professional practice internships are offered in private sector companies, governmental organizations, NGO's, schools, colleges, and universities. The work period will be of 3 months. It may be possible to extend placement if both the employer/sponsor and the inter are in agreement and if there are no legal considerations that would discourage the extension. Placement is made and progress is monitored through our program office in Madrid. The internship portion of the program may not combine different companies or different cities.

Placement Fee:  $1500 USD

Location: Cadiz*, Barcelona, Madrid


Company Assignment

The most important factor is language skills. The more limited the student's language abilities, the flexible s/he will have to be in terms of placements.
We try very hard to match the students' educational background, professional experience, and professional plans, to the internship placement. We contact the student (by e-mail or in person in Madrid) with one or more possibilities, and descriptions of those internships, and ask the student for comments and to rank the possibilities in order of preference. This helps us ensure appropriate placement. The interviews can take place during the time the student is studying (usually during the Professional Orientation course)

Minimum required Spanish level: intermediary - high




Services Include

  • Spanish Course (minimum 6 weeks): Standard Plus or Super Intensive

  • 2 Week Professional Orientation course

  • 3-Month Internship

  • Requesting and receiving background information on all internship candidates providing guidelines for the preparation of the professional résumé in Spanish, interviewing each candidate, and drawing up a list of possible internship placements;

  • Conferring with the candidates via e-mail or telephone to confirm area of interest and counsel on professional experience options;

  • Approaching the sponsoring institutions and achieving placements;

  • Maintaining contact with both the candidates and the sponsoring organizations to ensure that the internships run smoothly;

  • Intervening to resolve any difficulties or misunderstandings between the clients and the corporate sponsors, to assure mutual satisfaction.


APPLICATION: required documents

  • Résumé either in Spanish or English, depending on the student's stronger language. (Example Provided)

  • Short essay (1-2 pages): the student has to focus on the kind of experience he/she wants to have, what he/she wants to learn, what kind of internship the student prefers, and why.

  • The student has to send the documents by e-mail to:

  • Deposit of $250 USD

  • Send documents at least 2-3 months before arrival date


Please, make sure your medical insurance covers you during your stay in Spain; otherwise we can make arrangements for you to receive in this case at ( about $30.00 USD per month)

*The Cadiz program requires 8 wks Spanish Minimum, and all 3 phases of the program should take place in Cadiz





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