Spain, with its intriguing blend of modernity and cultural
exudes life an atmosphere of fun and relaxation. Blessed with being located
on the southwestern part of Europe, it occupies part of the Iberian Peninsula
bounded by the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic
Ocean. Spain is both European and Mediterranean in climate, vegetation,
and culture. It offers stunning beaches and a warmer climate that matches
the personality of its people and its sensational cities.
Spain's total surface area of 504,788 km with a population of over 39
million inhabitants, is divided into 15 regions. In addition to the Iberian
mainland , Spanish territory includes the Balearic Islands, the Canary
Islands, plus Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean Coast of Africa.
of these areas has its own unique character and culture. Andalucía is one
of Spain's largest
regions, it covers an area of 33,693 square miles. The
region has a population of 6.8 million and is made up of eight provinces:
Almería, Granada, Jaén, Málaga, Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva, and Seville Here
is where, all of Spain's stereotypes come together and come alive. Bullfighters;
flamboyant festivals; flamenco dancers; picturesque White
Villages perched
atop a mountain range in the wild, remote sierras; and dazzling sandy beaches
enhanced with endless sunshine and crystal-clear water from the Atlantic
and Mediterranean.
Spain possesses a richly diverse culture
in art, architecture, music and lifestyle. Its cities blend cathedrals,
ancient castles, and skyscrapers into the landscape. Some of the most
famous museums, resorts, and festivals can be enjoyed in Spain, in addition
to the energetic nightclubs, which compete with cozy "tapas" bars.